246 research outputs found

    Fast Inference of Interactions in Assemblies of Stochastic Integrate-and-Fire Neurons from Spike Recordings

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    We present two Bayesian procedures to infer the interactions and external currents in an assembly of stochastic integrate-and-fire neurons from the recording of their spiking activity. The first procedure is based on the exact calculation of the most likely time courses of the neuron membrane potentials conditioned by the recorded spikes, and is exact for a vanishing noise variance and for an instantaneous synaptic integration. The second procedure takes into account the presence of fluctuations around the most likely time courses of the potentials, and can deal with moderate noise levels. The running time of both procedures is proportional to the number S of spikes multiplied by the squared number N of neurons. The algorithms are validated on synthetic data generated by networks with known couplings and currents. We also reanalyze previously published recordings of the activity of the salamander retina (including from 32 to 40 neurons, and from 65,000 to 170,000 spikes). We study the dependence of the inferred interactions on the membrane leaking time; the differences and similarities with the classical cross-correlation analysis are discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in J. Comput. Neurosci. (dec 2010

    Analysis of the computational complexity of solving random satisfiability problems using branch and bound search algorithms

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    The computational complexity of solving random 3-Satisfiability (3-SAT) problems is investigated. 3-SAT is a representative example of hard computational tasks; it consists in knowing whether a set of alpha N randomly drawn logical constraints involving N Boolean variables can be satisfied altogether or not. Widely used solving procedures, as the Davis-Putnam-Loveland-Logeman (DPLL) algorithm, perform a systematic search for a solution, through a sequence of trials and errors represented by a search tree. In the present study, we identify, using theory and numerical experiments, easy (size of the search tree scaling polynomially with N) and hard (exponential scaling) regimes as a function of the ratio alpha of constraints per variable. The typical complexity is explicitly calculated in the different regimes, in very good agreement with numerical simulations. Our theoretical approach is based on the analysis of the growth of the branches in the search tree under the operation of DPLL. On each branch, the initial 3-SAT problem is dynamically turned into a more generic 2+p-SAT problem, where p and 1-p are the fractions of constraints involving three and two variables respectively. The growth of each branch is monitored by the dynamical evolution of alpha and p and is represented by a trajectory in the static phase diagram of the random 2+p-SAT problem. Depending on whether or not the trajectories cross the boundary between phases, single branches or full trees are generated by DPLL, resulting in easy or hard resolutions.Comment: 37 RevTeX pages, 15 figures; submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Heuristic average-case analysis of the backtrack resolution of random 3-Satisfiability instances

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    An analysis of the average-case complexity of solving random 3-Satisfiability (SAT) instances with backtrack algorithms is presented. We first interpret previous rigorous works in a unifying framework based on the statistical physics notions of dynamical trajectories, phase diagram and growth process. It is argued that, under the action of the Davis--Putnam--Loveland--Logemann (DPLL) algorithm, 3-SAT instances are turned into 2+p-SAT instances whose characteristic parameters (ratio alpha of clauses per variable, fraction p of 3-clauses) can be followed during the operation, and define resolution trajectories. Depending on the location of trajectories in the phase diagram of the 2+p-SAT model, easy (polynomial) or hard (exponential) resolutions are generated. Three regimes are identified, depending on the ratio alpha of the 3-SAT instance to be solved. Lower sat phase: for small ratios, DPLL almost surely finds a solution in a time growing linearly with the number N of variables. Upper sat phase: for intermediate ratios, instances are almost surely satisfiable but finding a solution requires exponential time (2 ^ (N omega) with omega>0) with high probability. Unsat phase: for large ratios, there is almost always no solution and proofs of refutation are exponential. An analysis of the growth of the search tree in both upper sat and unsat regimes is presented, and allows us to estimate omega as a function of alpha. This analysis is based on an exact relationship between the average size of the search tree and the powers of the evolution operator encoding the elementary steps of the search heuristic.Comment: to appear in Theoretical Computer Scienc

    Reconstructing a Random Potential from its Random Walks

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    The problem of how many trajectories of a random walker in a potential are needed to reconstruct the values of this potential is studied. We show that this problem can be solved by calculating the probability of survival of an abstract random walker in a partially absorbing potential. The approach is illustrated on the discrete Sinai (random force) model with a drift. We determine the parameter (temperature, duration of each trajectory, ...) values making reconstruction as fast as possible

    Theoretical study of collective modes in DNA at ambient temperature

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    The instantaneous normal modes corresponding to base pair vibrations (radial modes) and twist angle fluctuations (angular modes) of a DNA molecule model at ambient temperature are theoretically investigated. Due to thermal disorder, normal modes are not plane waves with a single wave number q but have a finite and frequency dependent damping width. The density of modes rho(nu), the average dispersion relation nu(q) as well as the coherence length xi(nu) are analytically calculated. The Gibbs averaged resolvent is computed using a replicated transfer matrix formalism and variational wave functions for the ground and first excited state. Our results for the density of modes are compared to Raman spectroscopy measurements of the collective modes for DNA in solution and show a good agreement with experimental data in the low frequency regime nu < 150 cm^{-1}. Radial modes extend over frequencies ranging from 50 cm^{-1} to 110 cm^{-1}. Angular modes, related to helical axis vibrations are limited to nu < 25 cm^{-1}. Normal modes are highly disordered and coherent over a few base pairs only (xi < 2 nm) in good agreement with neutron scattering experiments.Comment: 20 pages + 13 ps figure

    On the trajectories and performance of Infotaxis, an information-based greedy search algorithm

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    We present a continuous-space version of Infotaxis, a search algorithm where a searcher greedily moves to maximize the gain in information about the position of the target to be found. Using a combination of analytical and numerical tools we study the nature of the trajectories in two and three dimensions. The probability that the search is successful and the running time of the search are estimated. A possible extension to non-greedy search is suggested.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in EP

    From principal component to direct coupling analysis of coevolution in proteins: Low-eigenvalue modes are needed for structure prediction

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    Various approaches have explored the covariation of residues in multiple-sequence alignments of homologous proteins to extract functional and structural information. Among those are principal component analysis (PCA), which identifies the most correlated groups of residues, and direct coupling analysis (DCA), a global inference method based on the maximum entropy principle, which aims at predicting residue-residue contacts. In this paper, inspired by the statistical physics of disordered systems, we introduce the Hopfield-Potts model to naturally interpolate between these two approaches. The Hopfield-Potts model allows us to identify relevant 'patterns' of residues from the knowledge of the eigenmodes and eigenvalues of the residue-residue correlation matrix. We show how the computation of such statistical patterns makes it possible to accurately predict residue-residue contacts with a much smaller number of parameters than DCA. This dimensional reduction allows us to avoid overfitting and to extract contact information from multiple-sequence alignments of reduced size. In addition, we show that low-eigenvalue correlation modes, discarded by PCA, are important to recover structural information: the corresponding patterns are highly localized, that is, they are concentrated in few sites, which we find to be in close contact in the three-dimensional protein fold.Comment: Supporting information can be downloaded from: http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.100317

    Vector Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Lattices: General Derivation of Small Amplitude Envelope Soliton Solutions

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    Group velocity and group velocity dispersion for a wave packet in vectorial discrete Klein-Gordon models are obtained by an expansion, based on perturbation theory, of the linear system giving the dispersion relation and the normal modes. We show how to map this expansion on the Multiple Scale Expansion in the real space and how to find Non Linear Schr\"odinger small amplitude solutions when a nonlinear one site potential balances the group velocity dispersion effect
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